

44.00 €

Vase that can also be an aesthetic ashtray. We arrange it in the ashtray for our smoking guests, otherwise it stays on the table like a vase. As a vase, the lid is left facing up, and it can be easily turned into an ashtray by turning the lid around, where the grooves for storing the cigarette are. The embers are discarded in the middle of the container, which is easily cleaned. Vases are made of black fireclay, height is 8 cm, height of the upright lid is 3 cm. The price of the vase-ashtray is 44 EUR (plus 22% VAT) + postage.

Prodaja gline, glazur in orodij Potterycrafts

Od leta 2007 smo zastopniki podjetja Potterycrafts, ki ponuja glino, porcelan, glazure, orodja in naprave, ki jih potrebuje keramik v svoji delavnici. Zelo priljubljene so glazure Potterycrafts in Amaco ter bel angleški porcelan, pripravljen po različnih recepturah (David Leach, Audrey Blackman). Če vas zanima naročilo izdelkov iz ponudbe Potterycrafts, nas kontaktirajte.

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Our online store does not contain a usual order form and the selection and execution of purchase. We prefer to establish direct contact with our customers, even if only by e-mail. Therefore, we kindly ask you to send your inquiry to Barbara directly to the web address of the store.

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Sometimes the internet booking forms are so stubborn that they let you wait for ages. Don’t give up: it’s better you call us or send us an e-mail and we’ll get connected swiftly.

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