Artwork “Family Album”: Honeymoon in Ladak
When we’re not driven to mountains, we create.
I started exploring world of clay in 2002 in studio of tutors’ Ines Kovacic and Urban Magusar, well-known Slovene ceramists. Later I attended studio class of an internationally recognized potter Richard Phethean in Swalfcliff, England. Following my interest in exploring clay material, irregular forms and different usage of ceramics I started attending School of Painting of established and well-known Slovene painter Zmago Modic.
At first my artistic expression was focused on making mugs and bowls and on combining shapes as a result of both throwing and hand-modelling. Especially for exhibitions I was creating unusual shapes and was playing with the static of my pieces.
Later I started exploring clay as a surface for footprints of different texts and poetry. Clay has become the basis for expression of other artistic content. This led me to merging ceramics and painting – B&W engobe paintings on ceramic support. Ceramics has become the support – such as paper or canvas.
I am constantly in search for something different, something I haven’t done before. Clay offers me unlimited options of exploring myself.
Currently I’m focused on recycling. I keep discovering very fascinating ways of making plates and bowls with clay that was thrown away in pottery making process.
Important references (check the gallery):
- Group exhibition: International Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics IAC Barcelona 2016
- Group exhibition in Seeschloss at 27th Austrian Pottery Market, Gmunden 2015
- Awards: Grand Prize at International exhibition Ex-tempore Piran 2010
- Solo exhibition: Celebration, Galery Meduza 2, Piran, 2010